I had the privilege of being nominated, this week, by H from The Small Things of Life to take part in the Blogger 'love and hate tag'! I have never been asked to do anything like this so I was super excited when I got a tweet from her!
The concept is that once you have been tagged, you list 20 things about yourself; 10 of which are things that you love and 10 are things of which you hate. You then tag 10 other bloggers to have a go at it too!
Surprisingly, I actually found this really hard which sounds weird, considering I am only listing things about myself, but to pick the top 10 things I love and hate is not as easy as it sounds. Anyway, here it goes:
1. My Boyf - I really can't thank him enough for everything he has done for me.
1. My Boyf - I really can't thank him enough for everything he has done for me.
2. My Family and Friends - I am really grateful for everything my family have done for me and to my friends for always being there for me.
3. My Puppy - She turns one next week! She really is the cutest most loving little Shih Tzu there is.
4. Blogging - Blogging has become such a huge part of my life and I absolutely love it. I love writing and sharing my thoughts with others.
5. Makeup and Fashion - this is a bit of a given really. I am such a girly girl when it comes to all things beauty and fashion
6. Babies - must be my evolutionary maternal instincts but I absolutely love babies, I just always want a cuddle with them.
7. Winter and Rain - winter is my all time favourite time of the year, I love wrapping up warm and feeling the cold air on my skin.
8. Reading - I really love it when I get into a good book, so much so that I can't put it down and I genuinely get excited to read the next chapter. I think that it is just such a nice way to spend time.
9. Peonies - I don't really know much about flowers but I really love peonies. I think they are so beautiful and have such an elegance to them,
10. Movies - I am a complete movie geek, I love watching all kinds of movies and can watch the same movie over and over again.
1. Wasps and Spiders - I hate all insects really, but I especially hate wasps and spiders! I just don't understand their existence.
2. Hayfever - I think hayfever is the main culprit for me being a bit of a summer scrooge really. I suffer really badly from hayfever and it really does just ruin my whole day.
3. Dirt and Mess - I have a bit of OCD when it comes to dirt and untidiness, I like things to be just so...thats not to necessarily say that I like doing it myself.
4. The Dark - I feel like a five year old for saying it, but I am still absolutely terrified of the dark. I hate being in a dark room...I have to have some sort of light.
5. Being Uncomfortable - In any way, shape or form, I hate feeling uncomfortable. I hate being in awkward situations and like everyone, I hate doing things I don't want to do.
6. The Heat - Just to set it straight I am not talking about the movie because that is bloody brilliant. I hate being too hot, I just hate it! The only way I can cope with the heat is if I have a swimming pool to hand.
7. Red Meat - I can be quite fussy about my food even when I am not trying to be, but I completely detest red meat. No lamb and no beef for me thanks!
8. Bad Manners - Good manners cost nothing and you don't have to be a genius to have them...it is just common courtesy.
9. Rejection - This is a bit of a cheat because I don't think anyone enjoys rejection but my self-esteem and confidence can really suffer from any kind.
10. Nails on a Chalk Board - Even typing about this gives me the heeby jeebies. I genuinely have come out in goosebumps...its just the world's worst sound!
I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the world that is me. Do any of you share similar loves or hates?
Much Love
Much Love
My Nominations
Sarah - http://www.sazbomb.co.uk
Jemma - http://www.dorkface.co.uk
Becky - http://www.beckybedbug.com
Lauren - http://www.laurenselwood.com
Alessia - http://whispersfromangels.blogspot.co.uk
Courtney - http://www.courtzmelv.com
**All opinions are my own and credit is given to google images for the image above.
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